

Translator’s Consulting Group has carefully curated the tools and resources below for you, guided by our passion for inclusion. After exploring them, we hope you and your team arrive at a place of greater understanding and acceptance.

Tools and resources created with purpose.

Tim Terrentine Tim Terrentine

Recover and Bounce Back with Resilience

As we close out the year, many of us feel the weight of what we've been through, but resilience is more than just getting by—it's about coming out the other side stronger and ready for more. The energy to keep going is there, but it requires intention. The good news? Every one of us has the power to build resilience in ourselves and our teams, and with the right tools, we can face any challenge, recover, and rise even higher.

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Tim Terrentine Tim Terrentine

The Power of YET: Unlocking Solutions with One Small Word

In "The Resilience Factor: Turning Adversity into Advantage," Tim Terrentine, Founder and Chief Translator of Translator's Consulting Group, shares the power of one small word: YET. Tim explains how using "YET" unlocks potential for growth and progress, even when facing obstacles. Whether you’re off pace or stuck, "YET" reminds us there's still time to learn, improve, and succeed.

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